Friday, October 30, 2009

Color me Butterfly MLA

Constance Brown Brown 1
Dr. Wright
Us 313
color me butterfly blog
30 October 2009

Color me Butterfly

"He claimed it was an accident and she accepted his apology and buried the truth"

In this section of the story Lydia is large with child. She feels tired and ready to deliver. She had come to realize that life with Loyd was no longer possible. Although, she still had feelings for her babies daddy. She is noticing the pattern of domestic violence, that could indanger her and her unborn child.

Domestic violence is not new to this country. It is not exclusive to generations of old nor race, culture, or status. Surprisingly domestic violence is found in every sector of life: In her book "Why Does He Do That". Lundy Bancroft takes us on a journey into the minds of angry men. In listening to the voices of the many women interviewed, they say things like " he really doesnt mean to hurt me he just loses control".(141) According to "Lundy" The abuser has an array of control tactics for example: Sarcasm,Distortion of word, Playing games with the victim and a host of others tactics.(141) Lydia did what is typicle of the victim of abuse, she accepted his apology and attempted to bury the truth. Though the truth is buried, truth does not die. Somewhere along the line it will rise. The best thing that you can do for an abuser is to get help for yourself, bring what he is doing to the light. He must be held responsible for his own actions.

I chose to write about this because, being in the ministry I have had to deal with this subject over and over again. You may be surprised that this type of thing would happen in the church but it does. I would like to be able to help women who find themselves in this situation. One of the first steps is identifying that this is in fact what is happening and step out to get help.

Marlow L.Y. color me butterfly:2007
Bancroft Lundy. Why Does He Do That

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