Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My philosophy on education

Ignorance is dangerous. (M. Murdock) Because of this dangerous enemy of man kind we see poverty abuse and gross injustice in our schools, and throughout our society. I believe that it is not good for a people to be without knowledge. However, I believe, that it was Shakespere who once stated that much education has made us mad! Mad you say? Yes mad! We have just gone crazy, loony to the toon of deliberate blindness. We have lost sight of the direction in which our educational system has and should go. Because of this our schools are running over with chaos, confusion and disrepect for authority.
Today we have more educational opportunities than ever before. we have excelled in the areas of technology and science but we have become clueless as to how to destroy the mis- education monster that taunts us on a daily basis. Because of that we are getting a big red F, on our report card.

Our teachers are now mandated to be called highly qualified. But, upon experiencing, the great lack of control in many of our classrooms across the country, One must wonder what some are highly qualified for . Our children are not falling through the cracks anymore. They are busting out through the windows, breaking out the doors, falling through the floors and. Are they left behind as the government said no child would be? Why of course not! You cant be left behind if the bus never comes in the first place.

Education that is for the people will help them to learn skills that will afford them the ability to achieve goals, and become productive citizens. It will foster the philosophy that Everyone bettered is better for all.

I agree with Dr. Murdock in saying that ignorance is dangerous but, the greater danger lies in an educational system without the power transfer knowledge. A system withoutout bounderies. An institution without discipline and inciteful compassion, one without eyes. We must keep in mind that It is difficult for the blind to lead the blind, and awaken from our sleep.

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