Monday, October 5, 2009

Color me Butterfly

In the book color me butterfly I found Eloise to be a interesting character. Although some would say that she was a coward, and many would disdaine her for even putting up with Issac as she did. I think this woman did what was expected of her in the era in which she lived. This was a time in which the mindset of people was that of "James Brown" popular song " This is a Man's World". Contrary to popular belief today, that is exactly how things were ran. I can here the women sitting around the kitchen table saying "girl thats just the way men are". The problem is that this was the popular belief of the day. And wether we want to admit it or not, many women went through similar situations. This was the era of men like "Muddy Waters" and "Howlin Wolf". Strong black men raised in a hard life of poverty and discrimination. Men and women who were not slaves, but were so close to the end of slavery that they could still smell the rotting flesh on the masters whip. This was the era of my big mama. Big mama, that is what we called my grandmother Anni Bell Banks. A strong black woman who bore eighteen children by one husband. Out of her eighteen foruteen survived the difficult southern life. Anni bell had to raise her children in a difficult family situation. even when my grand dad left Anni Bell did what she had to do to keep the family going. Eloise only hope was to have a better life. she like most women wanted a wonderul well structured family. Back then women tried to hold on to anythinf that resembled a family even if it met that someone had to suffer. to them family was not someting that you just throw away, like we do today. although she had strength she had not yet discovered it.

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