Friday, October 16, 2009

What I thought about the peer review

When we did the peer review this past Wednesday, I did not know just what to expect. I thought that it was something different. I have never really had anyone look at my writing seriously to critique it except an instructor. I was a little intimidated by having another student look at my paper. I did not know wether or not the person would understand my paper. I was hoping that no one would say " oh my god I cant even read this." I work hard to fix my writing before someone else sees it. I have been out of these type of classes for a very long time. I think that I feel that everyone else is better at this writing thing then I am. I had brought my paper, but it was still on the computer. I had not saved the paper on a jump drive. When I turned my computer on, it stayed on for about a half an hour then it lost power. I had to verbally explain my paper to Ania. I guess I was not doing such a good job communicating my thoughts to her because, at times she seemed not to understand. I also beleve that in this class many seem stand offishor even guarded.
. Most of what I had written was through just brainstorming so I really didn't have anything organized. When I talked to Ania I was still brain storming. I think that this will help me to take acloser look at myself and strive to be better. The skills that you learn from the peer review are transferable. You can use them as a tool help in all your writing. I think it will make you mor aware of how you write and in doing so you will become a better writer. It also forces you to allow somone else to help you better your writing so you wont think that it's good when it is not. Because i plan to write childrens books i know that I will need this kind of feedback. I must be open to the process if I want to be the best at what I do.


  1. You are doing a great job in class. I like that you always speak from the heart and with a sense of confidence. If you are feeling as you mentioned above, we would never know it. As for being back in school as an adult, I think we all have our struggles. We just have to remind ourselves that we all have our own insecurities, so essentially, we are all the same. And you are setting a good example for the rest of the class in speaking up no matter how you feel on the inside.

  2. I relate to what you are saying...I too have never had to have a someone other than the teacher, professor read my papers. I like you found it a little nerve racking. I was unsure as how to accept the comments, but after she was finished I found them to my advantage and was able to use them to "fix" my essay. I found it extremely diffucult to "critique" hers. I do not like expressing negative thoughts to begin with let alone on something someone has taken effort to write! But hers was so eliquently written htere was nothing but praise to be given! All i all I found it to be helpful.

  3. I admire you for letting your thoughts flow and make a mark on the paper. After we had exchanged our papers and I got a chance to read yours, for some reason it was so much easier for me to get a sense of it and offer my suggestions, than to write my own paper. It takes me hours to conceive a half a page of writing. You seem to freely let your voice to be heard, you speak from your soul, fully expressing your emotions and strong believes. I agree with Christina, you have a lot of confidence in self expression. That is a gift.
