Friday, October 30, 2009

IOUAS the movie

I am writing aboout how I felt about the movie IOUSA. I felt that this presentation was very well put toghther. It was a very informative documentary. It was so interesting that I wanted to see it again,and I to went to work talking about it. This flim informed the American people about the current economic crisis. The writer creatively and effectively used graphics along with ethos logos and pathos in order to drive home a point about our countries economic desaster.

The flim stated that there are four deficits that the American people are facing today these are the deficit of taxes,savings,trade,leadership. In the flim tey interviewed several people. the results of the interview shoed that most Americans are clueless to why Ameerica is in the situation that she is in. Some people even believed that America is still holding the spot of the richest nation int he world. Tey also said that by the time the baby boomers retire there will be nothing left of social security or medicad.

If I were to analyze the information I see that the writer used Pathos often in order to play on the fears of the American People. For me It reinforced a belif that I already had. They also used Ethosusing name brand people like Warren buffet and the top accountant in the uninted States. This gave the argument mor credibility, especially after Warren Buffet said that He previously warned the White house of the disaster of borrowing continualy from other nations.

I would really like to see this flim again. I like to be an informed citizen. I really believe that what you dont know can destroy you.

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